Certified Activity Professionals
We specialize in offering Certified Activity Director Classes at both the State and National levels. Our goal is to provide top-notch education and training to activity professionals in the Northwest and throughout the United States. Classes are available inperson and online.
The next in-person class for State Certification will be on April 1-4,2025 in Wilsonville, Oregon. You must attend all four days and complete all assignments with a 70% or higher review. Please send your name and email address to receive an information sheet.

Certified Activity Directors and Life Enrichment Leaders
Become a geriatric certified activity director/coordination with this comprehensive class. It fulfills the regulations required by state and federal guidelines for employment. Activity Directors for Long Term Care /Rehabilitation Facilities must be certified within 6 months of working at the facility.
Assisted Liviing Facilities do not have to be certified, however ALF's do encourage their Life Enrichment Directors to take the Long Term Care Activity Director Class. As ALFs are required pass the state survey process annually and must comply with the state regulations.
As a Geriatric Certified Activity Professional, you will be part of the Interdisplinary Medical Team. Your scope of practice includes cognitive, physical and social-pychological activities to improve the quality of life and person-centered preferences/rountines of each individual.
- Your activity program will be reviewed by the State Surveyors and must comply with the Center for Medicare /Medicaide Services guidelines. These include Dementia Protocal, Head Trama and Pandemic/ endemic standards.
- The Activity Professional position is critical to the well being of residents in your faclities.
- Responsiblities include the stimulation and safety of all residents who attend your activities, group outings or special events.
- Requires that you complete medical reports on how, what and when they attended these activities.
- A quarterly report on their progress and abilities for improvements or declines. These reports need to be written in a clear and detailed format as prescribed by the medical field.
- Being a Geriatric Activity Professional can be a fun and creative position. Provide interesting activities and special events for your residents that are set-up for their abilities, adaptive equipment needs and safety.
It is not an easy job but... your knowledge of regulations and requirements will give you the confidence to handle these responsibilities and... enjoy this very rewarding position.
State Level Training
The Basic Activity Director class covers the basic ten areas required by all states. The CMS (Center for Medicare/Medicade Standards) and administrative rules as written by your individual states must be followed.
The Basic Activity Director Class provides the instructional lectures, and practicum assignments for Certification in all states. Providing hours of Continuing Educational Credits needed for professional standards.
- This class has ten lessons, reading questions, discussion essays and two clinical practicums.
- Texts required for this class is Actvity Director Best you Can Be with appendix and worksheets for the practicums and is embedded in the digital class file.
- The class is supported with 13 YouTube videos that accompany the text materials .
- You must complete andpass these assignments with 70% or better review to receive certification.
- Upon Completion of the Basic Activity Director Class you will recieve your Certification Certificate for employment.
*Basic Activity Director
Class - $280.00
The text: Activity Director, Best You Can Be is included in digital file
- Before you can register, contact us by email or phone for an interview. Sign and return the agreement and expectations letter before the class wil be sent to you.
- You must have a Gmail account to recieve the digital file.
- Once the digital file is sent to you, the class is non-refundable.
- You will have 10 weeks to complete the class.
- Should you need additional time, contact the instructor to request the additional weeks to complete the assignments to receive certification.
National Level Training

The Advance Activity Director Class provides the instruction and practicums need to take the National Test. Testing is done through the Activity Professional National Credentialing Center. This class has leadership/management components for a Director/ Coordinator and Consultant level positions.
This class has ten lessons, reading questions, discusion essays and two clinical practicums. Viewing of 16 YouTube videos related to lessons. You will be required to purchase the text: Long Term Care for Activity Professionals, Social Service Professionals and Recreational Therapists. Each lesson will cover two chapters for this texts.
Upon completion of the Advance Activity Director Class you will be sent your state certification.
*Eligiable to sit for the National Test provided by APNCC will also require that you have one full year of full time working in the Activity Director position..
Cost/ Expenses:
Advance Activity Director
Class - $ 280.00
Long Term Care for Activity Professionals, Social Service Professionals, and Recreational Therpists is $60.00
- Before you can register, contact us by email or phone for an interview. Sign and return the agreement /expectation letter before the class will be sent to you.
- You must have a Gmail account to receive the digital file.
- Once the digital file is sent to you, the class is non-refundable.
- You will have 20 weeks to complete the assignments. Should you need additional time, contact the instructor to request the additional time to complete the assignments.
- Your certification of Completion for the Advanced Activity Director will be sent to you when all assignments and practicums must have a score of 70% or better to get certification for this class.
*If you wish to test for your National Certification you must contact APNCC.com to request premission to sit for the national computerized test and pass the test with 70% of better score. Testing is approximately $225.00
Next In-person class will be on April 1-4, 2025 in the Wilsonville, Oregon area. You must attend all four days and complete assignments with 70% or better review. Contact us at your email address. Registration and information sheet will be sent to you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Certified Activity Professionals with a specialty in Geriatric are highly valued for their comprehensive and hands-on approaches.
Trainers are certified CTRS, Certified Therapuetic Recreational Specialist with extensive frontline work experience in Geriatric Activity Services for over 20 years. Our goal is provide you with a complete training experience so you can become the best Activity Professional you can be.
Contact us
For inquiries about our Certified Activity Director Classes at State and National levels, please fill out the form below.
Oregon Activity Professionals
Tualatin, Oregon, United States
About us
It began with a desire to run a good activity program that was fun, stress-free and well attended.
- As an Activity Professional and a CTRS, Certified Therapuetic Recreational Specialist, over the course of several years of trail and error, I figured out what was best for my residents.
- How to run those program effectively and effieciently to and provide the person-center care and home-like enviroment an enjoyable atmosphere.
- The best results for my residents , also made it easier and more enjoyable for me to implement. Programming and treatmement became a win-win for both of us.
- I want to share with you not only the regulations and requirements needed to get to successful surveys, but also the intent and spirit of the concepts .
- Once you understand these insites to Activity Programming and Implementation you will be confident and successful in this position.
- Lecture Material will teach you the rules of the position , the additional videos will demonstrate and share how I was able to implement all the components of the job.
- I will show you what it took me years to learn. The tricks and the inside trade of how to do it all and not pull your hair-out or burn-out.

Your Instructor, Connie Ratti, CtrS, BC-ACE Enjoying this field as a Geriatric Activity Professionals with over 25 years and pleasure in being a part of something that is life changing and rewarding. for yourself and those you serve.
Cretified Activity Professional Classes
These classes have been taught for over 18 years with the most current nd updated information.
It has been a pleasure and a reward to help others understand the real reason this position exist and the value it can bring to your residents, their families and the staff you are working with.
- Most people do not understand the importance of the position. Yes, we play games, enjoy music, make crafts and artwork. do cooking sessions. We provide holiday events and go on outting. Have educational speakers,and offer religious groups.
- And while we are doing all these fun and pleasureable session, we are also improving and maintaning life skills.
- Learning how to use adaptive equipment to make the experience easier abd safer or even doable wirh healthcare changes.
- Providing and re-establishing confidence and self-worth. helping to establish and maintain healthy lifestyles and social connections. Improving quality of life.
I have never had an easy day, it has often been a very busy and I can not make everyone completely happy... because there are things and situations I can not change and I need to know the differenct. But with each resident I can help, or encourage, or show how to do something better or safer.... It has been a rewarding day!
PayPal Mini Store...
Please contact us for an interview and return the agreement letter for class expectations.
Basic Activity Director Class -State included text in the digital file.
Your text Activity Director Best You Can Be is embedded in the digital file. You may print out the text or use it on your devices. The text, Appendix, and worksheets are 180 pages.
This class includes 10 lessons that cover the areas you will need to learn and implement to be an Activity Professional in Long-Term Care, Rehabilitation, and Memory Care Units.
The reading materials require that you answer reading questions for each lesson, participate in topic discussions by submitting your comments, and complete 2 practicums. The class is supplemented with demonstrations /13 videos via YouTube designed for this class.
During the class, support is offered via phone or Zoom sessions. Should you need additional time to complete this 10-week, contact us for an extension and arrangements for completing the class. There is a 20-week limit for completion. Your enjoyment and success in this class is important.
Once the digital file is sent and confirms that you have received it without error or emission of pages, the class is non-refundable.
Basic In Person Activity Director Class
Basic In Person Activity Director Class
This class is taught on location. Students must attend all sessions and pass testing with a 70% or higher score for certification. Students must contact the website information links to request a confirmation interview before class locations, dates, and times are released.
*If you would like your text printed in hard copy form, an additional charge of 20.00 is required. It will be delivered to you on the first day of the session.
Total cost of class plus text is $300.00
Before you can take this class, please contact us for an interview and sign the agreement letter of expectations.
This class will help you study for the National Level Certification for Activity Professionals. Title of text: Long-Term Care for Activity Professionals, Social Service Professionals, and Recreational Therapists. The cost of the text is additional $60.00.
Testing for certification is done by the Activity Professionals National Credentialing Center (APNCC.org) for additional information/requirements and fees.
This class has ten lessons covering testing areas used in the National Test. The class will be sent to you via a digital file.
Each lesson covers 2 chapters in the text and has reading questions to check for compression, discussion topics to demonstrate your ability to implement skills and two practicums, documentation and calendar planning. In addition, YouTube videos to demonstrate visual scope of practice and adaptive equipment and care skills required of Geriatric Activity Professionals are support the class material.
During the class we will communicate via phone conversations or Zoom sessions to assist with understand or concerns you may have about the Activity Professional field. Your success, enjoyment and grow as a professional is important to you.
Once the digital file is sent and confirmed that you have received it without error or emissions of pages, the class is non-refundable.
Online and In-person Classes
Certified Activity Professionals are dedicated to providing top-quality education and training to Geriartic Activity Professionals via Live In-person or online classes.
- Online classes offered to attendees in any area of United States, starting monthly after application is approved. With a focus on certification and practical skills development, We empower individuals in the field of geriatric activity planning, documentation, normal aging issues and cognitive changes, stimulating activities to enhance their mental, physical and social interest that honor their value and person center needs.
- All classes are supplement with YouTube training videos for classes to enhance your understanding and professionalism in the Geriatric Activity Professional scope and meet all requirement for state and national regualtions in the Unitied States and CMS, the Center for Medicare and Mediaide Services.
- In person classes are offered in the Spring and Fall in the Oregon and Montana areas.
- Accommodations can be set up in any location were 10 or more attendees have an interest in a 4-5 day workshop. Often these workshops are coordinated with local companies and Long Term or Assisted Living Facilities.